Hovah Yii
The question I get asked a lot by juniors in UMP is "How do I go to Kuantan from UMP Pekan?" Well, you had your questions answered in this post. So grab your popcorn and let's get started.
Hovah Yii
If you are new and never visited Kuantan before, and you do not have transport, these are the places you can visit in Kuantan by just walking.
Hovah Yii
Congratulation on enrolling in UMP Pekan. As a new student coming into a university full of surprises and wonders, here are things and tips you should know for better survival in UMP Pekan.
Hovah Yii
New to Pekan? Wonder when to go in Pekan? This post is your friendly guidelines about places to visit in Pekan.
Hovah Yii
Looking for local food to eat in Kuantan? Try these cafes and restaurants out
Hovah Yii
If you are currently studying Software Engineering, Computer Science or ICT, one of the largest version control you should know and learn is Github. Github today has about 40 million users and more than 100 million repositories, making it the largest host of source code in the world.
Hovah Yii
Studying and working, is it possible to do both? I think most of the university student would ponder about this sometimes. So do I. Considering that I have to pay my own tuition fees while studying, looking for extra income is always my side goal while studying. To find a job is easy, but to find a job that you love and can fully utilise your skills are hard.
Hovah Yii
This post will guide you through how to search UMP exam pass year paper...
Hovah Yii
UMP requires all the students who drive and park their car in campus register their cars at Behagian Keselamatan UMP starting November 2022 onwards. Those who do not adhere by the rules will face compounds.
Hovah Yii
Join me as I reflect on my personal ROTU Navy journey, a path filled with obstacles, determination, and growth. From enrolling at UMP to facing my mistakes and receiving support from squad members and trainers, this milestone in my life has shaped me into a stronger individual.
Hovah Yii
Unearth the flavors of Pekan with Dapur Tok Bilal, a hidden culinary treasure offering mouth-watering dishes at student-friendly prices. From the best chicken chop in town to a variety of Malaysian favorites, find out why this local gem is a must-visit for UMPSA students.
Hovah Yii
Discover the step-by-step guide to handle key-related issues at UMPSA Pekan, from retrieving a spare key to expressing gratitude. Learn how to navigate the process smoothly and resolve your key troubles with ease.
Hovah Yii
Discover how GRADUAN, Malaysia’s leading career resource, can help you find job opportunities and internships. Learn how to sign up, improve your profile, and explore the Graduan Aspire Career Fair 2024. Join the GRADUAN Ambassador Program to volunteer and network with top employers.
Hovah Yii
Experiencing a Hotmail account hack can be distressing. Learn the steps I took to secure my account, report the incident, and the valuable lessons learned from Cybersecurity Malaysia's quick response.